Change in Social Housing Regulator
From 1 October 2018, the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has been established as a standalone organisation meaning it is no longer part of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA).
The separation is a consequence of the 2016 Tailored Review of the HCA which reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to create a strong, independent regulator for social housing.
All social housing providers in England are required to be registered with the regulator, including local authorities, housing associations, housing co-operatives, profit-making organisations and any other form of housing provider.
All local authorities are regulated, including those whose stock is managed by an Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) or a Tenant Management Organisation (TMO).
The separation has been formally effected through the Legislative Reform (Regulator of Social Housing) (England) Order 2018 (LRO) and the members of the HCA’s Regulation Committee have become the Board of RSH.
Further information can be found at