Kevin Edwards
I joined the Firm in 2024. I qualified as a solicitor in 2009 as a member of the in-house team at the Homes and Communities Agency (now Homes England). This is where I first found a passion for development and affordable housing work. Prior to joining Sharratts I have also worked for a number of renowned social housing specialist firms around London, the Midlands and East England. I am passionate about affordable housing, and would one day like to have an influence on policy so as to change it for the better.
I advise and act for mainly Registered Provider clients (large and small) and deal with a wide variety of property work, particularly focussing upon development land site acquisitions (by Golden Brick, Turn-key, Land and Build contracts), charging and stock transfers. I also have experience on large scale projects utilising DBOM contracts.
I have been a board member for Greatwell Homes in the East Midlands since 2019, and also sit on the Audit and Risk Committee.
I am a father of three so spare time is limited, but I still play football and also follow many sports, including football, NFL, rugby and cricket. I also love watching my eldest daughter dance and taking my middle daughter swimming. I am also incredibly lucky to be able to be the coach of my son’s U8 football team, a role I absolutely love. I am also a governor of my three children’s former infant school.