Sales Team Update
We are pleased to confirm that Kate Anderson joined our plot sales team in September. Kate is a Chartered Legal Executive with more than 10 years’ experience in plot sales site set up and related matters. Kate was previously with Cripps LLP acting both for private developers and RPs and before that gained a wealth of experience working in-house for an East Sussex based developer.
We are also very pleased to confirm that Amy Loomes, Licenced Conveyancer, has been promoted to deal with plot sale site set up. Amy has a great deal of experience of acting for both buyers and sellers of new build plots and during her 5 years with Sharratts has handled plots sales, DIYSOs, Shared Ownership resales and staircasing transactions.
Due to an increase in resale and staircasing transactions we are please to welcome Matthew Williams to the team. Matt has expeience of all aspects of residential conveyancing from working for a London based firm since leaving school and is part way through his training to become a Licenced Conveyancer.