Right to Buy Discount Increased
August 25, 2014
Order made increasing right to buy maximum discount for houses
On 20 July 2014, the Housing (Right to Buy) (Maximum Percentage Discount) (England) Order 2014 (SI 2014/1915) was made and came into force on 21 July 2014.
The Order increases the maximum percentage discount for a house under the right to buy to 70% and also:
- Applies where a tenant’s notice claiming the right to buy has already been served but the conveyance or grant of the property has not yet taken place. However, this will not apply where, within 21 days of the Order, a tenant has given written notice to their landlord that they would prefer the relevant percentage discount which applied prior to the date of the order to apply.
- States that where a section 125 notice has been served by a landlord, but the relevant property has not been conveyed and its price has changed as a result of the Order, then a landlord must serve an amended section 125 notice reflecting the new maximum percentage discount.
- Where there has been a change of secure tenant after a notice claiming the right to buy and the tenant has submitted a notice that they do not want the higher discount to apply, then this should be disregarded.
The Order follows the Housing (Right to Buy) (Limit on Discount) (England) Order 2014 (SI 2014/1378), which increases the cap on the discount available under the right to buy to £102,7000 for dwelling-houses situated within the areas of London authorities and £77,000 for dwelling-houses outside the areas of London authorities.